Miracle by Mai-Tri

By Chitra A.S, India

I am speechless to mention a miracle done by Mohanji to a person in Kerala.

A person in Kerala had a dreadful and drastic experience of seeing known and unknown persons (entities) in his dreams, and he howled and screamed almost every night as if someone was strangling his neck. This started 41 years back, even before his marriage, causing many sleepless nights. Three children were born to him. His wife and three children had scary nights disturbing their sleep too. They consulted many astrologers, did pujas and whatever they were told to do, and did many ceremonies for his relief, but nothing helped him. Though the family internally wished for relief, they had dropped the idea of taking him to anyone or doing other ceremonies out of desperation.

In January 2022, his elder son’s family recently learned about Mohanji through the internet and started listening to his speeches on YouTube and also physically met Mohanji. But the son never mentioned anything about his father’s plight to Mohanji.

Soon, this son’s wife got connected to me for a Mai-Tri, and the family started believing more in Mohanji when they began experiencing Mai-Tri energy. When I enquired more on some matters, the father’s issue was revealed to me and his time came for getting blessings from Mohanji through Mai-Tri.

This father (client) has never met Mohanji, nor had he seen his picture.

One day before starting the Empowered 3.0 program, Mohanji Gayatri “Shata Sahasra Suryaaya Vidmahe” sung by Sanjay Bhai was being played, and I heard it for the first time. This song started resonating within me the whole night, and I told myself that Mohanji was trying to connect me with this mantra for some big reason.

The Empowered 3.0 program came to an end on March 6th 2022. This case came to me on the 9th, and after the Mai-Tri session, I was guided by Mohanji to tell him to feed birds and to do an ancestral ceremony. I felt like sending him the Mohanji Gayatri sung by Sanjay Bhai and requested Manjiri Bhalerao for the same. She immediately sent me (thank you, Manjiri), and I forwarded it to his family for the client to hear every night without fail. This was how Mohanji had prepared me for the Mai-Tri session. I was stunned by the way Mohanji communicates through Mai-Tri.

Mai-Tri works on the causal layer of the body and addresses blockages pertaining to patterns and ancestral issues. Parents are living representations of our lineage. The lineage owns our body. The lineage means what is inherited from the father’s and mother’s sides. So, taking care of our lineage is necessary. Respecting them while living and after departure from the body is essential. One can do this by serving the poor and helping the helpless.

Mohanji says when you give food to the beings of the water, air and earth, that activates the respective elements in us, and so many blockages get removed.

Respect and gratitude are great cleansers. Mohanji says if one practices that, they can experience grace flowing to them every time. When one does this, 80% of the lineage will be happy. Through selfless activities, supporting the helpless and living a life of pure intentions, the lineage becomes very happy. This incident was a great eye-opener for me on how Mai-Tri works.

The following week, the client called me to say he had only one bad night that week and his screaming was much less. I asked him to continue listening to the mantra. Then there was no feedback from the family even after some days though they connected to me for many other matters of theirs.

They were asking about MTM as that family was facing some minor accident cases once in a while, and so I talked over the phone to Subhasree and gave her a summary about this issue. She advised me to send them the Shiva Kavacham by Mohanji to listen for 21 days, get their feedback, and then decide on MTM.

Early next morning, to my utter surprise, the client called me to say that he now falls asleep within 5 minutes of hearing the Mohanji Gayatri and does not see any entities; his screaming and howling had also stopped. He doesn’t feel scared even if he sees some unknown figures. He feels strong. My mouth dropped open hearing this.

Immediately, I counted the days; he had been listening to this mantra regularly, and he was calling me on the 42nd day to tell me this. 41 days were over, and even he didn’t realise this.

Such a blessing by Para Brahma, what a powerful and wonderful blessing! 

A man who had sleepless nights for more than 41 years had just one Mai-Tri done and by fervently followed the suggestions given, he was cured within 41 days of hearing Mohanji Gayatri. Imagine the relief he must have felt after all those long 41 years!

Mohanji used to speak about the power of Mai-Tri and mantra sadhana, and now he showed me the transformation and peace one went through by doing 41 days of sadhana.

Thank you, Mohanji, for giving me this opportunity to be your channel. I feel so blessed to witness this beautiful experience.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th May 2022


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